We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for October, 2014

AoY Podcast #54 – Halloween Special 2014 (Devilman OVA 2 Review)



Also known as: “They can go to weeaboo Devilman Hell…”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:05:46)

With us keeping up with our own hallows eve tradition from last year, Jonn and Zeonic decided to help you guys out on this darkest of nights. Wither you’re out trick-or-treating as  a manchild, on your way to visit your friends to delight in watching crappy scary movies, or trying hard to get hooked up at the club with no such luck. Whatever the case, we will fill your ears with hearing how we celebrate Halloween night, the Go Nagai way! So for this year, we call on the powers of the second OVA of Devilman.

(0:00 – 33:20) Review: Devilman OVA – “The Demon Bird”: If you are looking for “that” anime on Halloween night to watch, then look no further than finding most of the works by Go Nagai. Last year was just part one of Jonn and Zeonic going through the pits of Go Nagai Hell, only to find that both must continue their quest to finish the Devilman OVA’s. This time they are threatened by redneck demon turtles, water shaping demons, harpies, demon rhinos and such harpies nuking Japan… and SATAN! This is of course SPOILED to you guys, as we throw in brief talk of Chris Chan, Go Nagai other works, when Parkour started, and other misc. crap… you know, the usual. You can more than likely expect us to cover the Amon: Apocalypse of Devilman anime next year (gif NSFW probably).

(33:20 – 1:05:46) Off-Topic Ramblings: Half way through this recording, we pretty much were done with whatever we had to say about Devilman, so that ventured us off to discuss other topics of interest. These include: what “was” on sale on RightStuf, Lupin the 3rd discussion, Zeonic seeing Little Nemo as a child without knowing it, stupid opinions on twitter, HASHTAG GAMERGATE GATE GATE #ANIMOOGATE RAGE, and the issues of fansub weeaboo’s out there (speaking of, here is the F fansub link and Reporter Blues so far. Guys. its ok to fansub anime thats in another language, because we wants to see it!) So with that, Happy Halloween and see you guys next time!

Music Selection:

OP – We will keep this show going on for a while…

ED – This devil didn’t really lose this fight…

This show has:

I have never seen better “parkaying” before this…

“I never heard of harpies…” (click at 11:30)

Playing Games: Dreamcast Colony Drop’d the Gundam



This was something I got in the mail this past week from the guys over at Colony Drop, which one of them was selling some of his games on twitter and had this title in the photo that I picked up. Upon wanting to get this game for years now to add to my Dreamcast collection, it is not what I expected it to be. The first half of the video is me trying to look at gamefaqs.com to see what the heck to do on the one FAQ guide they have on this game, which led to me failing the first mission. I was able to get it the second time around, and then decided to just call it a day from there.


AoY Podcast #53 – Space Dandy Season 2 Review

Space Dandy - 01 - Large 02


Also known as: “It sounds like the poster fell, followed by like, all the wall and the drywall that came with it…”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:19:14) 

With Banzaicon ending the weekend as this podcast comes out (and Zeonic still getting things ready as he is writing this post the day before he leaves for the con), the crew were able to come together and join in the Holy Trinity once more to be able to review something that ended on Toonami not too long ago. In this episode, you get to ride the funkadelic groove of Zeonic, Jonn and Josh talking about Space Dandy Season 2.

 (0:00 – 1:19:14) Review: Space Dandy Season 2: Man, what  a hell of an ending to “one hell of a show” – Jonn. I don’t know if anything as unique or interesting as Space Dandy will be made in a very long time, unless another Space Dandy comes out. Or then again, maybe Space Dandy was made to save anime for everyone, because lord knows we need it. We should inform you that we do get to SPOIL things from this past season, as Zeonic is able to read off the episode summaries in wikipedia, while Jonn and Josh get to chime in on what they wanted to say on each episode.  Space Dandy should also mark the second time someone has passed away while having a role in the show, as the most recent death of Toshiro Hirata wasn’t too far away. We get to mention that Mike Toole wrote a column for ANN about his favorite episodes, and Ben from AniPages is connecting all the dots to everyone who has worked on this show, and gives his straight forward opinions on them as well. Of course, before we get into anything about Space Dandy, we ramble about getting sex offers on Skype at the beginning of this recording; and then end things off with the state of anime today, mention movies, the end of traditional saturday morning cartoons, along with the recent statuses of Love_That_Goku and Chris Chan. All this and more in this weeks episode.

Bonus Content: As we stated in the podcast, you can view the Space Dandy Official Fan Book from Zeonic main site by clicking on the highlighted text in this paragraph. Just a heads up.

Music Selection:

OP – Bring on dat funk, the Dandy Way!!!

ED – Get past your lonely nights, the Dandy Way!!!

This show has:

Billy Madison was totally the original Space Dandy…

Space Dandy Halloween

You can expect a good Halloween episode on our next episode, so until then…