We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for January, 2016

AoY Podcast #83 – Digimon Adventure Tri Review


Also known as: “Whats a guy like me gotta do to get some sex in his life?”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 2:18:57)

For this week, we got a handful of people on to talk about the latest Digimon series. Dustin was absent from this episode (and this was recorded the night before our Star Wars review), but Jonn and returning guests Daft, Josh and Cloud spent their evening on the show to talk about Digimon Adventure Tri.

There is no need to bother with time codes in this episode, since it seems to be less about Digimon and more about the hosts ranting on every other nerdy fandom out there. If you want to experience total levels of nerdom from something out of Evan Dorkin’s The Eltingville Club “comic book realm of geekdom,” then this is your sanctum. Aside from discussing Digimon, the gang go into their abyss of opinions about the fall of 4Kids, comic book series and movies, people in the anime industry that would be in our old AIM chat rooms years ago (and how they were treated by some), Nickalodeon vs Cartoon Network scheduling wars, anime companies, people on the internet we know, Precure talk and so much more. There might be some audio issues certain sentences cutting out, and that is due to some glitches on audacity part, oh well. Originally this skype call went on for like 6 hours, but Jonn recorded up to 3 and I will use that later part on another recording down the road, so we’ll see.

Music Selection:

OP – We Try and stay on topic, but we couldn’t…

ED – Part of your childhood that won’t come back…

This show has: 

Come on, you know this is what would happen if 4Kids got a hold of this show…

AoY Podcast #82 – 3rd Anniversary Star Wars Christmas Special!!


Also known as: “Well you know what Jonn, I saw Space Jam when I was a kid, I think that’s really good too!”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:51:20)

2015 is over, and now we move onto the year of 2016. 2015 was a pretty fun year from the podcast group, especially when Star Wars: The Force Awakens comes out to end it all. So this years podcast special is about our hosts giving their take on the recent flick from a galaxy far away galaxy…

(0:00 – 1:11:15 ) Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Review – In previous podcast episodes, Dustin and Jonn seemed a bit skeptical to how this new Star Wars film will turn out. With both parties seeing the film along with past podcast guest Daft, the three sit down and break down the film to their understanding. So yes, that means we will spoil this film, so go see it before you hear this podcast. They also talk about the Star Wars series in general, how people don’t know the origins of Good Burger, what it was like to see Star Wars now than the prequel films, fan theories to the latest Star Wars film, our thoughts on the Iron Man movies, Dustin thoughts on the upcoming Ghost in the Shell film, and much more.

(1:11:15 – 1:51:20 ) Yuletide Closing Remarks – All three hosts talk about what they did and got for Christmas, along with Daft experience with seeing the Hateful Eight, The last Hunger Games movie, how Right Stuf hooked us up, Bennett the Sage Bubblegum Crisis review rant, Dustin using Twitch, the Nickelodeon Slam Block, and much more.

Music Selection:

OP – It was bound to happen that we talked about Star Wars…

ED – We hope 2016 is a SUPER DUPER YEAR!!!

This show has:

Dustin never knew about this till James Rolfe had to talk about it…



Damn…. that is ugly…

Disney don't sue Chewy's there a banging Tex-Mex joint!!!!

Disney don’t sue Chewy’s there a banging Tex-Mex joint!!!!

