We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for August, 2015

AoY Podcast #73 – Taking on Indiegogo Perks #1 (The Legend of Black Heaven Review)


Also known as: “Hard Rock TO SAVE TEH SPACE!”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time – 55:30)

Hey, remember when we used to do anime reviews? Yea, the gang vaguely remembers doing them also. But hey, were back on the anime beat, and this time we start to cover those Indiegogo perks we promised at the early part of the year. This time we got a request from Sean Ryan from the Alpha Counter podcast to issue us the most rockin anime out there, The Legend of Black Heaven.

Again, we don’t need no time codes for this episode, since it was Zeonic and Sean sitting in the middle of a back ally hallway of the Marriott late Saturday night during Animazement. This is also where frequent con goers and hotel staff kept coming by us during the recording, which was near the most desired restroom in the entire hotel mind you, so you’ll hear zingers of that at the end of the episode. The Legend of Black Heaven is an anime Zeonic has always heard good things about over the years, and finally had the chance to watch and thoroughly enjoy this OVA. Even though Black Heaven is more relatable to people reaching their Logan’s Run age expiration date and beyond, anyone can pick up this title and enjoy it, wither you are musically inclined or not. This would also be this podcast second review of anime based off music, since our first one was about To-Y 2 years ago. Of course, you can expect some “sidebar” discussions about anime Terry Crews, talking about music in general, how american football is really “handegg,” Masters of the Universe movie synopsis, and Zeonic gets the hiccups. All this and much more in this this weeks episode…

Music Selection:

OP – Get ready to go backstage with Zeonic and Sean

ED – The moral of this anime is, don’t start a band…

This show has:

Dunno why Zeonic first thought of anime Terry Crews was in Friday After Next, but that is how his pimp mind works sometimes…

And you wonder why the Japanese have a hard time understanding Americans…

In general, AMV’s are the worst way to promote a show to make someone think it’s going to be great. However, this AMV is an exception, just go see Black Heaven already.

Per request by Sean Ryan…

AoY Podcast #72 – AnimEigo Panel Bonus Track



Also known as: “Hanzo the Razor… THE 3D EDITION!”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 58:28)

You can go ahead and consider this episode as a “bonus track” to the Animazement review in the previous episode. This was an audio recording done at the AnimEigo panel for Animazement 2015 that for people who couldn’t be there, are able to hear what was said and discussed for the most part, thanks to Zeonic inability to handle recording it on his phone in a better way.

There isn’t really a need to for a time code in this episode, as the entire thing is the panel itself. Zeonic came in a few minutes late to one question, and had some issues 5 minutes in the panel, which caused some other things not to get on the audio. But for the most part, you should be able to hear what Robert Woodhead has to say and does his best to answer questions. Zeonic himself and Anime Hell’s own Phil Lee ask the hard hitting questions to Robert, meaning the’re the questions you can hear the clearest, just FYI. The other questions involved the mention of Hanzo the Razor, the Otaku no Video Kickstarter project, public enemy own ani-twitter Hazukari asking about Boah, the mention of Minna Agechou, Wizardry, AnimEigo as a company throughout the years, and others asking about the past titles of AnimEigo being possible Kickstarter’s one day. This and a whole lot more were asked in the panel, so check that out! Also, we swear we will release an anime review next episode, you can count on that!

Music Selection:

ED – I didn’t bother doing an OP this time so deal with it folks!!!

This show has:

I wholeheartedly stand by the SIDE KICK WAAAAAAAAAVE attack! (at 5:10)

Bear witness the greatness that is Hanzo the Razor!