We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for January, 2018

AoY Podcast #123 – High School Agent Review

Also known as: “I blame you Hallmark… You turned my dog into an Imperial Theme!”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:41:52)

What better way to kick off the start of 2018 with an anime that hardly no one has seen or even reviewed yet, because if you did know it, we’d have to kill you for knowing too much. This time we talk about High School Agent!

(0:00 – 43:15) Review: High School Agent – This is an anime with no Wikipedia entry, hardly nothing about it on MAL, and very little info on ANN. Only a lone fansub group has made it a priority to make this available online to whoever can find it. It’s so top secret, the UN might have to intervene in this podcast. It’s basically an OVA adaptation of a manga about a dumb high school kid who becomes a secret agent for the United Nations. Instead of stopping people behind genocide, world hunger and sex trafficking, its about stopping people who have priceless stones and neo-Nazis after Hitler’s gold. Those are way more serious international issues than what most people complain about, because High School Agent knows what’s really at stake in the world! This also includes talks about terrible commercial airline companies, how not to kill a bear, and what type of jungles exist in South America.

(43:15 – 1:41:52) Closing Remarks – This goes into the doxing of a troll gone too far towards Chris Chan, the recent American Government shutdown, Dustin pulls a cans.wav and almost breaks his headset from a birthday card, Ghost talk, past podcasts that no longer exists from Toonradio, Go Nagai shows to be remade other than Devilman Crybaby, the recent Jumanji movie and much more.

Music Selection:

OP – This podcast will self destruct in 5 seconds to this annoying song…

ED – Take this airline job and shove it!

This show has:

Richard Spencer future daughter?

A Luger cannot win against a freggin bear…

A SJW fantasy to cold cock a Nazi…


The most relaxed animal you’ll ever see in a war…


AoY Podcast #122 – The Dark Side Christmas Special (Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review)

Also known as: “What planet grows grey tomato’s… THAT ARE ROCKS!?”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 4:27:09)

Happy New Year!!! 2018 will be our year and savior for humanity until such time when social media says its the worst year ever (like the end of every year on Twitter). So what better way to reign in the new year with our hosts ranting about Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

(0:00 – 2:40:15) The Dark Side Review! Star Wars: The Last Jedi – This film seems to be equally split between those who love and hate this film, just like the balance of the force. Dustin, Jonn and guest Vekou (who shows up about 45 minutes in) state their views on the film. As you can expect, spoilers are afoot in great detail. This lets us compare the Star Wars films to the Fast and Furious film series, how Jonn dog spoke up for animal rights on this film, how Disney can royally screw up a beloved science fiction series, and much more!

(2:40:15 – 4:27:09) Christmas Closing Remarks – This was recorded the next night with Jonn and Dustin keeping the mics warm on a post Christmas night, and more sound proof for Dustin since he recorded in his “sound proof” safe space closet (making his mic sound louder in the process). The remarks include bathroom gender rules, Dustin panels at Big Fandom Greenville, more Star Wars talk, what we got for Christmas, upcoming AnimEigo Kickstarters, video game talk, James Bond talk, Dustin Christmas movies he saw this year, 80’s cartoon themes and the goofyness of Voltron, Chris Chan and Ghost talk, the fall of Bitcoin and so much more!


Music Selection:

OP – The theme of Doom by the Disney Star Wars Machine…

ED 1 – This is the real Dark Side Review…

ED 2 – Our theme song for Disney Star Wars (a.k.a. I’m glad we said it all…)


This show has:


Bob would be so proud of his son/daughter…

The white slavers took my kids away from me… in exchange for money…