We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for February, 2021

AoY Podcast #155 – The Cool Communist Cartoons Podcast (CCCP) presents Captain of Cosmos

Also known as: “Charmuro… you’re in a Korean anime…”

And also: “Half that arc was ‘In That Moment’…”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:33:45)


The Commies have invaded our podcast! Dustin and Jonn are under the socialist rule of our fellow DPRKhomrads who have a few cartoons to share with us, notably Captain of Cosmos (ie Johnny Destiny Space Ninja)

(0:00 – 1:01:15) Kim Jung-Un Best Anime Collection Presents: Captain of Cosmos – Many podcasts ago, Jonn and Dustin mentioned that they were going to review Korean anime. With the lack of caring in 2020 (like that matters in 2021), both were held at the point of sharp commie bayonets in order to have the proper motivation to talk about Korean anime finally. Both hosts feel Johnny Destiny story is too good of a Korean anime to talk about, since Captain of Cosmos does have some kind of easy to follow story surprisingly. Both hosts talk about other subjects like the releases by defunct “One Dollar Dealer” Digiview Entertainment, trying to describe Space Thunder Kids to Jonn, how Raw Deal is a great forgettable Arnold action film, the purpose of Superman using guns, politics talk (of course), our 10 year anniversary of podcasting coming up over the horizon, and much more!

(1:01:15 – 1:33:45) “Jonn rants for half an hour” Closing Remarks – This was recorded after the Capital riots back in January, where Jonn had to vent about a few things in the last days of the Trump administration. Dustin hit record because it least its some kind of content.

Music Selection:

OP – Please rise for the CCCP national anthem…

ED – Reviewing these Korean cartoons is a raw deal to us…

This show has: 

Please, don’t make us review the DigiView catalogue…