We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for March, 2016

AoY Podcast #87a – Ye Olde Toonzone Chats (Part I)


Also known as: “That’s not enough, we need more…”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 2:07:18)

So, after saying this for over a year at this point off and on, the hosts of this podcast decided to give their backstory on how they all know each other and meet on the AOL Instant Messaging service, which the group chat function ceased on March 15th, 2016.

We are also going to add, that this and the part 2 that will come up, are completely unedited. Nothing has been censored, condensed, or rearranged to distort THE TRUTH of people that we are going to say right now do not exist… which isn’t true. The only thing done to this episode is to increase volume levels in the recording so you can hear what we have to say, that’s it.

To make a long story short, this is 2 hours of Dustin, Jonn, Daft, Josh (when his Skype was working) and Vekou talking about how we all meet online. For Dustin and Vekou, this goes back to the early 2000’s under pre-One Piece Podcast co-host Zach Nathenson before he ever watched that show and ran a small forum called Adult Swim Headquarters, which lead to Dustin joining Toonzone.net. Jonn, Josh, and Daft recollect how they got to Toonzone as well, and how all of us put up with our youthful bullcrap over a decade ago. We ramble off topics on Cartoon Network shows, comic book talk, Mac the Night commercials, and “insider baseball” for forum and chat room drama that no one needs to know that we still tell you listeners all about. If anything, at best you can get a few good laughs from it and say how horrible people we all are. It’s a fair assessment, and we can understand. See you for part 2 next time… hopefully with less Moon Man

Music Selection:

OP – Joe Vita existence was to unite us as one…

ED – Karl Olsen, Nerdcore Rapstar everybody…

This show has:

What was wrong with our grandparents generation?

AoY Podcast #86 – The RightStuf Product/Spectre Review


Also known as: “It’s Allah of….Yesterday…”
and also: “It’s all… good… clean, big booty fun!”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 2:14:40)

We can officially announce that we have once again sold out to “The Man,” particularly the RightStuf Man. This time we have a pretty full show of Jonn and Dustin reviewing RightStuf! Mobile Suit Gundam and Zeta Gundam Blu-ray Sets, Space Adventure Cobra DVD Set and the latest Bond movie Spectre.

(0:00 – 52:08) The RightStuf! Product Review – Gundam Blu-Ray’s and Cobra DVD Set: After about taking a month for both hosts to get their products from RightStuf!, they can both talk about the special features and quality of the packages. Jonn and Dustin talk about mostly the 30th Anniversary interviews with the Gundam staff on the second blu-ray collection of Mobile Suit Gundam, which is just laughing at how old men can still hold grudges from a show that’s 37 years old now. Both host’s talk about the Buichi Terasawa interview from the Cobra DVD’s and its packaging, and our own review of that show will come out in due time. We also mention general Gundam talk, other mech shows, Terasawa and his Big Booty loves, SJW v. not-anime-yet, being praised in class for being a nerd, and more.

(52:08 – 53:19) RightStuf! Bootleg Promo: Our podcast never got an “official” promo from RighStuf!, so it was best to make up our own for starters. Right now (as of March 5th), Gundam and Vertical had a sale, which might still be going on? We want to thank Vanessa Williams for providing the background song for our promo, and we would really like to thank her lawyers for not finding out about this podcast because we used such song that would fit with this RightStuf! promo without “official” consideration from her record label. Now moving on…

(53:19 – 1:19:35) Movie Review – Spectre: Here we have an example of a review seen by one person who saw it the day it came out, and other who saw it the other day. The time gap is large enough to show that the former forgot most of the movie, leaving the latter to pick up the slack of events that happened. Long story short, both host made this review short and to the point, and talked about other James Bond related things. I mean, its been 3 years since both hosts talked about James Bond, so hopefully the next film comes a bit sooner.

(1:19:35 – 2:14:40) Closing Remarks (a.k.a Dustin disses on Initial D haters): Like the usual formula, Chris Chan gets brought up to talk about how he self promotes people he doesn’t like without knowing it, which then leads to Dustin throwing down his Initial D street cred against Anime World Order review of Initial D, and tries to answer that why question the AWO hosts asked on their podcast. You could say Dustin cranks up his hypothetical Toyota AE86 for our 86th podcast, because that is how fate would have it! This of course leads to people we know on twitter who are having a hard time in life, former AIM and Toonzone drama, and more.

Music Selection:

OP1 – We’re kinda the new kids on the block when it comes to product reviews…

OP2 – James Bond is Back!!!

ED – If podcasting was like the Fast and Furious movies, we are the Paul Walker to the AWO Dwayne Johnson…

This show has:

The next James Bond…perhaps?

What feels like the start of every Roger Moore Bond film…

This could happen to the anime community… maybe?