We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for April, 2015

Playing Games: End of Semester Sega Saturn games (Legend of Galactic Heroes/Mobile Suit Gundam)


So, Zeonic school semester is now over, and he decides to celebrate the occasion with playing the Legend of Galactic Heroes game he got at Nashicon that he now… kinda wonders if it was worth getting. So for a constant 38 minutes, you get to see Zeonic frustration over Japanese console strategy games that is still a challenge to him to this day.

Also after doing LOGH (aka, just giving up after getting his fleet destroyed), Zeonic pops in his Sega Saturn copy of Mobile Suit Gundam, which became a more enjoyable experience. If you want to see more of Zeonic streaming games online, check out our twitch channel here. Till next time!!

AoY Podcast #65 – The Psychotic Nashicon Wars (Nashicon 2015/Psychic Wars Review)


Also known as: “Getting intimate with Vincent Baker…”
and also: “He punches the crap outta cancer!”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:16:53)

It is once again the start of Con season for the podcast, as Zeonic takes his yearly leave for this years Nashicon. Of course this episode will mark a historic landmark, as a live person enters the podcast “studio” (a.k.a., Zeonic room) to do a live recording with us. Let’s just say, we will do better next time. So, join us and our special live guest Vincent Baker from Otherworlds as we do our convention review and anime review of Psychic Wars.

(0:00 – 27:44) Convention Review – Nashicon 2015: This might be the first time ever that a con report is less than 30 minutes long, only because there wasn’t too much to gripe about. Both Zeonic and Vincent felt that the con stepped their game up in terms of getting good guest like returning champion Spike Spencer and newcomer Kyle Hebert to stop by Colombia S.C. What sweetened the pot even more was that Windjammers was available, so of course Zeonic got his fill of FLYING POWER DISK-U. We also mentioned the issues with how certain panels were ran this year, our guest Vincent discussing his upcoming game,  switching out to another mic in the studio (which… wasn’t a good idea), and Vincent discussing Triad Anime Con as being a featured guest there.

(27:44 – 43:51) Interview – Vincent Baker: So this interview was conducted behind the registration booth at the con since Zeonic saw it as the least chaotic area in the convention to talk to Vincent. Vincent was able to sit down and answer some questions and go into details about the Otherworlds game, which the Kickstarter to that will be updated on this post when it gets released on May 1st. So if your interested in the game, please give him all your money (or what you realistically want to give).

UPDATE! (May 2nd): Here is the link for the Otherworlds Kickstarter, so if you want to contribute, just click here to go to the Kickstarter page!!

(43:51 – 46:04) Podcast Promo’s: Our last promo was from February, so it’s high time we do another one. Alpha Counter has been keeping current with their once a week schedule for shows, which this latest episode is about upcoming films this summer. Anime World Order recently put out an episode reviewing The Anime Encyclopedia 3rd Edition, which even our latest promo aired on their episode, so thank you AWO gang! In other big news, the Daily Anime Podcast has released some more episodes, with Parasyte The Maximum and more Legend of Galactic Heroes talk.

(46:04 – 1:16:53) Review: Psychic Wars OVA: This was an anime that Jonn mentioned in our Crystal Triangle episode, which prompted Zeonic to watch it at 1 a.m. the night before. Regardless of this anime’s flaws, it is able to tackle one issue in question that is a worldwide cause of concern, and that is how to properly cure cancer. Of course this gets us off topic to talk about how to play the Shemue games, closing remarks on Chris(tine) Chan status update, proper tooth care, and briefly mentioning Chris Chan to Vincent, which he doesn’t need to honestly know. All this and more in this weeks episode.

Music Selection:

OP – It’s bout time we jam up this con once more…

OP2 – Time to dawn on our Jesus powers to punch cancer…

ED – After seeing this anime, we are now true veterans of The Psychic Wars…

This show has:

This anime…. at its purest form…


AoY Podcast #64 – Belated Easter Special (Crystal Triangle OVA Review)


and also: “I applove deproy Pracific Freeto… Moses Plan!”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:19:39)

It is the day after the resurrection of the son of God for people of the Christian faith. We celebrate this time by either going to a church for the first time since Christmas, getting the day off of school or work for Good Friday, and maybe getting some bible reading thrown in for good measure. However, Zeonic and Jonn decided to keep up with tradition (starting from last year) to watch an anime with Christianity being highly misinterpreted. We look no further than the masterpiece OVA, Crystal Triangle.

(0:00 – 15:10) PreReview Discussion: This is just a way for Jonn and Zeonic to ramble on about things to empty ones mind for the Crystal Triangle holy message to be bestowed upon them. This includes Zeonic ramblings about his computer issues, while Jonn brings up the Social Justice issues about whats going down in Indiana. To be honest, it’s the hosts way of saying “Man, do we ‘really’ have to review Crystal Triangle? Ugh… let’s get this over with…”

(15:10 – 55:12) Review: Crystal Triangle OVA: It’s been a good while since we talked about older anime, so it’s high time we got back into the swing of things. Crystal Triangle seems to be “that” anime that people know about too be “that” anime. Zeonic see’s it as his 2nd worst anime of all time, while Jonn ranks it below his Pilot Candidate “low-end-yard-stick-of-crap.” It’s amazing that at one point, this anime sold on laserdisc for 120 bucks, which in today’s anime world, would anyone in their right mind spend that much for it (other than Mike Toole perhaps?). Perhaps it’s the “engrish” and “lussian” dialect in this anime that’s confused the TRUTH of God’s Message to be fully interpreted for us, which is why we couldn’t take this movie too seriously. We also mention the TRUTHful location of where the bible might be held, forums that don’t like Evangelion, Urashiman on The Anime Network, and Samurai Pizza Cats talk.

(55:12 – 1:19:39) Closing Remarks: This is the part where we look towards our “Podcast Pillars of the Holy Trinity” for spiritual guidance, where we mention the updated accounts of two of those pillars which are Chris Chan and Love_That_Goku. After knowing that Love_That_Goku feeds LARPers dirt, Jonn gives an internet account of what happened at Chris Chan recent trial, which means he’s gonna roam free for a little while longer, and how he might tie up his Gal Pals from high school. Zeonic mentions his accurate predictions off episode one of Sword Art Online 2 to be THE TRUTH, and mention about a guy who will be on a future podcast soon. All this and more in this weeks episode, see yea next time… (aka, stay tuned for the zinger at the end…)

Those who have received God’s Message before us:

Fast Karate for the Gentleman
Anime World Order (I’ll have to go back and link too it later, because somethings wonky on their site to get to Show #63 where they did their review of Crystal Triangle. I mean, now that I gave you the show number, you can just go on iTunes and find it yourselves

EDIT 4/23/2015: So yea, AWO Crystal Triangle review page works, so here’s the link guys).

Music Selection:

OP – Praise be to God, his grub, and his spaceship…

ED – We may never know the message from God…

This show has:

Engrish Lonard Langan inu action!!!

Behold... GOD!!!!

Behold… GOD!!!!

The Grandson of Rasputin... welding his weapon of choice...

The Grandson of Rasputin… welding his weapon of choice…

Forgot to mention crystal Nazi horses.... but now you know...

Forgot to mention crystal Nazi horses…. but now you know…

Heavy Rasar Action Ikimasu!!!

Heavy Rasar Action Ikimasu!!!