We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for December, 2023

AoY Podcast #170 – Conocalypse Now (Anime Blues Con/City of Memphis Review)

Also known as: “What’s yo Number?”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 2:52:20)

This is a HORRENDOUSLY belated con review going back to July of 2023, but better to end the year on such a con story as this. This is in all honesty of why the city of Memphis is the place it is today, and Dustin cannot tell the con story without telling his own first hand accounts in Memphis.

(0:00 – 1:23:50) “This (con) ain’t better than DisneyLand” Anime Blues Con Declassified: The goal is to get this podcast out before Dustin heads to Anime Weekend Atlanta (which absolutely did not happen), fortelling the events that happened 6 months ago, so here we go. Highlights include meeting THE Dr. Rockso cosplayer, dealing with Memphis humidity, having the WORST. CUSTOMER. SERVICE. EVER at your local Wendy’s in the hood, the overhype of Beale Street, con attendees stories, seeing your work in the anime industry in the dealers room, the last to leave the convention, going to a Whataburger, Memphis being the Piss Ally of the south, being threated at gunpoint on the road leading to Memphis, bad joke telling, going to Bucee’s in Tennessee, and much more.

(1:23:50 – 2:52:20) “They say this convention methods are, unsound” Closing Remarks – Jonn and Dustin go over talking about the story arcs of Votoms, the new Gundam Seed Freedom anime coming out, how great Beavis and Butthead is as a show, the fake coup attempt against Putin, Dustin mini-reviews Serial Experiments Lain, Ghost TCR, talk, Gundam manga, mini Momocon video review and more.


Music Selection:

OP – The Horror…. The Horror…

ED – Absolutly right on the mark about Memphis…

This show has: