We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

Archive for January, 2014

AoY Podcast #34 – Anime Collecting Talk (w/ Anime Nostalgia Podcast)


And also: “Yea, but getting a root canal is more fun than Sword Art…”

Download Episode HERE (Total Time: 2:20:28 )

If there is one part of being a human being we are all guilty of is the fact that we accumulate items in our lives that will one day be forgotten about, unless it somehow ends up in a museum. We also like to define accumulation with a less offensive term we like to call “collecting.” Here at the AoY podcast, we are completely guilty in that area, and heck, even wanna share our stories on how we got the things we have obtained over the years. And to join us in our audio journey is up and coming podcaster Dawn of The Anime Nostalgia Podcast, as we embark our journey through the cluttered shelves of anime nostalgia throughout our lives as anime fans.

And like the usual fare, we also go off topic on things like why cats are crazy, VIC MIGNOGANOAAAH, Xbone gets an orgasm and works, Sailor Moon talk, autograph stories, talk about our video games, AUDIO ISSUES (which my part of talking about Haruhiko Mikimoto was cut out, but that story was on last years Animazement review,) Tenchi Talk, Gundam talk  and a ton more gurl-ish gossip to come.

Oh yea, on a darker note, we got us a tumblr account now. Man… this site is reeeeeeeally eff’d up, I mean really.

Music Selection

OP- Were a cool podcast now because we can get gurls on here to talk to us!!

ED – This should be Vic’s intro into every panel he does at cons

This show has:

I don't think i'll ever get this guys name right...oh well...

I don’t think i’ll ever get this guys name right…oh well…

The commercial that gave 8 year old me nightmares…

AoY Podcast #33 – Violence Jack Review

Also known as: “THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!… and then he turns into a bird!”
And also: “Jonn, did I just say pot plant?”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:54:35)

This review comes with a purpose when Jonn and I decided to take on this unique title from the great Go Nagai. That purpose in mind was to take a stand on the idea of never backing down or backing out of something that certain reviewers hype up to fans for the past couple of years, only to give their fans a metaphoric “blue balls” in the final product. Because of one such review in question, Jonn and I ventured off once again in the Uncut hell of Violence Jack

Ok, here’s the real”no BS” reason why we decided to cover Violence Jack now: This is a retaliation against one Bennett the Sage/Anime Abandon at ThatAutismWitDemGlasses website, because the dude decided it would be a better use of time to do a 30 minute poor-ass-bad-white-mans-acting-drama video than to actually show any footage or go into any depth of Violence Jack for his so call “review.” So, that gigantic waste of time got me and Jonn fired up to finally sit down and talk about this anime that we have been discussing for over 2 years now (going back to our early Kool Kids Klub Podkast days.) So, its high time we give those people what they really want to hear about old Jack here, the good honest in-depth truth, spoilers, and no BS talk like we do with everything we review.

I’ll be honest, i’m not gonna force anyone to see Violence Jack. That is an anime I will say to watch at your own discretion, where no other human soul is around to view it with you. At least by watching it, you will lose part of our humanity, it just happens. Of course on that note, we mention a bit more on our dislike to the reviewers of TGWTG people, if Jack is somehow related to Wolverine, other people who hate Bennett the Sage, the fans of Bennett, people who make mistakes, birth rates in other countries, Go Nagai anime in general, how AVGN is a cool dude, how you should have gotten Golgo 13 from the RightStuf sale, I say Do Svidaniya to Mikhal Kalashnikov and much more.

Music Selection:

OP- The sound Jonn and I heard once again as we departed to Go Nagai Hell…

ED- The last song you will ever hear before your disembowelment…

This show has:

Meet the tourettes gang leader…


Its everything you can expect from the dub…

Its people like you I will never understand why you exist…

AoY Podcast #32 – 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY/CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (Unedited Edition)

AOY one year anni ep copy

Also known as: ” I’m waiting till we get to our 10th podcast arc, that’s when things really pick up…”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 2:17:32 )

GUYS WE MADE IT!!!! With the start of 2014, we are still together, have not changed the name, and have to much to review for you that will eventually come out!! I say unedited on the title because… I am not gonna worry about editing a thing on here. So, whatever audio issues you hear in this episode, is the result of me not caring how it sounds for the first time in a long while, only because I have done recordings/edits for other podcast that will soon come out after this, so deal with it. Any who, we kick off the new year by having our later Christmas and 1 Year Anniversary special by talking about what we got for Christmas, movie talk and all around general discussion. We also have our bro Andy from the Daily Anime Podcast join in on the fun.

We kick off the episode where we discuss the yule tide cheer we received this past Christmas, which was mostly video games and anime related stuff. Also, we talk about movies that we have seen in the past few months. We continue the trend to talk about the latest Hobbit 2 movie that came out, and how Disney was able to make our hearts Frozen. I also mention the films I’ve seen in the past few months such as Homefront, Thor 2, Enders Game, Escape Plan, Machete Kills and Man of Steel. Of course, we mention other films like The Man with the Iron Fists, Hobo With a Shotgun and probably a few others (I forgot to mention that I saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty also, good film).

This also gets us into talking about Zeonic dating life, Vic FiletMignonanona, other podcasters out there (well, mostly us trying to figure out the science behind Anime World Order), the enigmatic psyche of one Daryl Surat, general anime talk this past year, white people trying to be black for black people, and a whole lot of other crap mixed in there.

Music Selection:


ED – In a few years, this might be my sad pathetic Christmas song…

This show has:

What its like to be Gerald’s roommate…

Just like the man, this magazine will be an enigma…

Well Daryl… more power to you man…

Its good clean fun guys… for real…