We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

AoY Podcast #110 – Go Ghost Power in the Shell Rangers!!

Also known as: “How the end of the world is determined by a Krispy Kreme…”
and also: “I’m sure the bullies were labeled as Heroes…”

Download Episode Here! (Total Time: 2:18:35)

1995 called saying it wants new versions of their hit movies that year, which got the hosts talking about Power Rangers and Ghost in the Shell… from this year.

(0:00 – 1:05:08) Review: Power Rangers – Dustin and Jonn and guests Cloud and Daft join together to dawn our power suits and get ready to take on this movie full force with our MegaZords all in the name of friendship! Well, not really, but it did warrant a good discussion (specially when Daft showed up 30 minutes later). Power Rangers was a film Daft hated to love, and Dustin saw it as a movie he loved to hate. There are spoilers afoot in breaking down scenes that were just stupid to begin with, as well as how twitter won’t shut up about it being this pro-ELGEBETE diverse crap fest. This warrants other Haim Saban discussions and other stuff, including Dustin trying to get away from a devoted fan rambling off his Power Rangers love to him at a Hot Topic.

(1:05:08 – 1:06:18) Promo: Just slipping in a quick Anime Cart and RightStuf! promo for you guys to drop all your dough on their websites. (Happening RIGHT NOW, you can get a FREE Naruto Headband with any purchase from animecart.com. Even though in a previous episode I stated about dumb teens going there to get headbands, I just got one, because its FREE! so that makes me feel a little better about getting one to act like a “highly functioning autistic ‘narutard'”, and you should too. Use our discount, it does work! – Dustin)

(1:06:18 – 1:55:15) Review: Ghost in the Shell – Just as Daft was more forgiving of Power Rangers, Dustin was even more so with Ghost in the Shell, despite the twitter anti-whitewashing hate machine taking credit that they movie failed. Its been over a year since we talked about Ghost in the Shell, and if you want our 1995 review of that, it can be found in this giant link in this text. Although not a perfect film, Dustin explains his reason why this film shouldn’t have gotten the specific negative attention it got when they’re other factors wrong with the movie, but it was mostly complaining about the haters of this film online. It’s more got to Dustin trying to defend the film for the things it did right, which was more than what the internet was going to give it credit for. Also, mics are being thrown down in anger, just saying. Dustin also wrote an article for The Odyssey about this film, so give that a read.

(1:55:15 – 2:18:35) Closing Remarks: There is still more discussion on haters and the internet, as well Cloud talking a little about Anime Boston, Dustin hating that UNC won the NCAA tourney, Ghost from TCR going sober, The People v. Jontron, are pets racists?, and finding your brothers anime items in storage to claim as your own. All this and much more in this weeks episode. Also fair warning, Dustin mic is super loud for some reason, but that will be fixed next episode.

Music Selection:

OP1 – Power Rangers Theme by A Robot (or Dustin’s good friend)

ED – Dustin will try and forget about this film, but doubt it

OP2 – We dive hard in this ghostly landscape of a film…

This show has:

IF YOU BELIEVE that I got this from a garage… gotta represent that Sunagakure clan!


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  1. Pingback: AoY Podcast #140 – Anime Grindhouse Double Feature (Alita: Battle Angel / Gundam NT Review) | The Anime of Yesteryear Podcast

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