We go back to the far reaches of anime time, in our flux capacitor fitted, time machine Ferrari…

AoY Podcast # 108 – Techno Police 21C Review

Also known as: “DAM TRUCK DER HIT MAH KAHR!”
and also: “My balls are huge, making all these threats…”

Download Episode HERE! (Total Time: 1:58:48)

To celebrate the belated 30th anniversary of the greatest OVA of all time, Bubblegum Crisis, both Dustin and Jonn thought it would be fitting to celebrate the film that inspired the creation of Bubblegum Crisis, and that is Techno Police 21C.

(0:00 – 1:11:00) Review: The “Ultimate Non-Bubblegum Crisis Review” Techno Police 21C – To all those anime reviewers that were all about the Bubblegum Crisis anniversary and celebrating its monumental achievement to anime, they can go rot for all we care, cuz SCREW THAT NOISE! This podcast gets down to the real roots of where Bubblegum Crisis began, in a dumb, theatrical, cheezy robot film done by the original creator of Bubblegum Crisis, Toshimichi Suzuki. If you the listener are thinking “What the hell’s the AOY Podcast problem not covering Bubblegum Crisis?” (or other problems we have in general), the answer is that Dustin and Jonn covered Bubblegum Crisis for it’s 25th anniversary, and all those episodes are on our review page for you to check out that came from another podcast Jonn and Dustin used to do. This also includes off topic banter about making a bank into a crystal triangle, Mike Judge secret anime stash, retard robots ride the short bus, Dustin Wesley Willis impersonation, this movie inspired other great films to be made, comparisons between Techno Police and Bubblegum Crisis, technical issues and much more!

For other good content on Bubblegum Crisis, check out The Anime Nostalgia podcast discussion of it with Sean O’Mara, which Sean also has done reviews of Bubblegum Crisis for Zimmerit.moe.

Promo: In case you are in need of more anime merch in your life, the head on over to AnimeCart.com to get you some goodies. Make sure to use our promo code AOYPODCAST to get %10 off your next order!!

(1:11:00 – 1:58:48) Closing Remarks: As per the usual, some political talks gets into our discussion regarding that Milo dude and those left-winged peeps, but then other pressing matters come up. Such matters as how Love that Goku is out to destroy the Alt-Right, A former TZ Member boycott against My Anime List, Belledona of Sadness was on TCM the same night as Toonami, people on twitter who turned gay from Cartoon Network, live action anime film talk, RIP Bill Paxton and Robert Osbourne and so much more.

Music Selection:

OP – Remembering how the 21st Century all got started…

ED – Retard Robot Bus in Full Force…

This show has:

How hard earned tax payer money goes into making banks that are asking to be robbed…


The Buddy Cop/Robot duo no one wanted…


Robosexuality is on the rise in the year of 2001




Book’Em Ken-oh…




Here are some images of the Animerica Issue with Priss on the cover with an extensive interview of Toshimichi Suzuki. Link to that post is found here




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